Netflix's Taj Mahal 1989 - Finding love the old school way

"Love is nothing but the options available."- Taj Mahal 1989 The series is set in the late 1980s ; however , there are moments when one questions the era the series is based in. At some places , the stories felt way ahead of their time. Taj Mahal 1989 revolves around the ideas of love , politics and philosophy ( interestingly). Each character is well written and helps the story advance. Each story is very different from the other and yet the characters were woven so perfectly. I think the idea of "weaving" different stories into one got popular after "Masaan" ( if you haven't watched Masaan , this is probably the best time to watch it, we all are quarantined anyways). The story is set in Lucknow University, and if we analyse each character , we might find stark similarities between them and the people we know in real life - the reaction and the thinking patterns mostly. Rashmi , a student of Lucknow University ...